Lemon Mint Juice | Lemon Mint Cooler | Summer Drink | Refreshing Juice


Lemon Mint Juice recipe:

Ingredients (serves 3)
Mint leaves - 1/4 cup
Big lemon- 1
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Water - 2 cups
Ice cubes - As needed 

Directions :

  1. Blend mint leaves, lemon juice, sugar, ice cubes and water in a blender.
  2. Ice cubes are used to maintain fresh green colour so don’t skip it.
  3. Strain the juice in a strainer.
  4. Serve lemon mint juice with ice cubes and chopped mint leaves.https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RJQ8tvrYcZ6X6cfTddVI7ZiW02mmJL8l
